Monday 25 January 2010

AVATAR; pretty dam cool.

Yes, I was sceptical about it at first. I remember Katz asking to go see it and I stubbornly disagreed going with my bad assumptions it would be just another action packed alien vs human bad kind of film I would normally not enjoy.

But I was very wrong. Wow when I finally went to go see it with Mom my eyes were litearlly drawn to the screen from start to finish. The fantasy world that is shared with you is absolutely amazing. There is so much detail in every shot that you seriously have to open your eyes wider just to take it all in before the next cut. I wanted to live there. It is set in a distant future where humans have all but destroyed Earth and are looking to pillage alien planets for their natural resources. This time they have decided to poke around the savage beauty of Pandora, which is a luscious and dangerous planet inhabited by the Na’vi.

It would awe anyone who is passionate about saving this world of ours. I got a few tears in my eyes when the humans destroyed the beautiful land that you become so attracted to during the movie.

I looked at a couple of reviews and came across this;

"There is something truly marvellous about entering the world of Avatar. Thanks to the wonder of the 3D glasses you are submerged into this strange reality that is moving and exhilarating in equal measures. Cameron has created a unique world of sheer beauty and the detail is astounding as it feels like a never ending cavalcade of native species and scenery to wonder at. The Na’vi, who are all fully CGI creations, are astonishing but in particular the character of Neytiri (Zoe Zaldana) who is of unparalleled realism even in comparison to my fondest memories of Gollum."

So true.

I can't describe it anymore, It is beyond this world amazing. Go see it!

Over and out.

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